Neue Geschäftsführung bei GST

New management at GST!

New management at GST - We are pleased to inform you that management of GST Grinder GmbH was handed over on April 3rd 2024.

Save the date: GST @ SIMTOS 2024

SIMTOS 2024 - Korea´s largest production and manufacturing technology exhibition
Karrieretag der HTL Hollabrunn

Career day at HTL Hollabrunn

Once again GST was part of the career day at HTL Hollabrunn.
Korneuburger Bildungsmeile bei GST 2023

Korneuburg’s 9th „Bildungsmeile” at GST

Participating companies opened their doors and showed interested pupils the training opportunities of the available apprenticeships within the respective company.
Erasmuspraktikum bei GST

Erasmus traineeship at GST

HTL students from OPAVA gain practical experience at GST
GST Maschineninbetriebnahme im Kundenwerk

Machine commissioning at the customer´s plant

GST Machine commissioning at the customer´s plant - on site in Dalian!