Once again we were invited to participate in the Career day at HTL Hollabrunn 2024 as exhibitors.

We gladly accepted the chance to present our company to school students from the construction and mechanical engineering sector.

We want to thank everyone we met for all the exciting exchanges and would be very happy to return to next year’s career day at the HTL Hollabrunn!

For further information click here!

As in the previous years GST hosted Korneuburg’s “Bildungsmeile” and opened its doors to students, as well as all other interested parties.

GST (among other participating companies) welcomed interested pupils and showed them all the different training opportunities and available apprenticeships within our company. 

As a training company, we are glad that the annual initiative of the WKO Lower Austria was well received yet again by families and school classes and we would like to express our sincere thanks to all participants!

New management at GST – We are pleased to inform you that management of GST Grinder GmbH was handed over on April 3rd 2024. Mr. Ing. Bruno Grojer is now managing director of GST Grinder GmbH. He will be supported by Mr. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Ronald Muhm, who was also given power of attorney.

Neue Geschäftsführung bei GST
f.l.t.r. former CEO Franz Hein, authorized officer Ronald Muhm, former CEO Günter Hacker, CEO Bruno Grojer

Mr. Grojer has been working for the company since 2000 and has made a significant contribution to the company´s success. Mr. Grojer worked as head of mechanical engineering and as deputy to CEO Günter Hacker in the field of technology. Mr. Muhm has been working with the company since 2007. After several yeas in the mechanical engineering field, he has proven his skills as project manager.

The sales department will now be led by Herrn Dipl. Ing (FH) Markus Aschauer.

In the department mechanical engineering Mr. Matthias Forstner and Mr. Christoph Lendl together succeeded Mr. Grojer. In the department programming, Mr. Christoph Handler succeeded Mr. Heinz Preis due to his retirement.

We look forward to a successful collaboration with our employees, customers, suppliers and all other groups which work togehter with us!

Korea´s largest production and manufacturing technology exhibition

We would like to invite you to visit us at SIMTOS 2024 in Seoul.
Our Korean Sales partner, Fa. Rieckermann, will present our newest machine concept to you.

Here you can find the most important information:

SIMTOS 2024 The largest manufacturing technology exhibition in Korea

Can’t be there in person, but still want to get all the information? Write us and we´ll inform you about the newest developments in the world of grinding machines: Contact form

Once again GST was part of the career day at HTL Hollabrunn.

The participation at the career day of the HTL Hollabrunn has become a yearly tradition for GST, since many of our employees are former HTL graduates – a tradition we are trying to continue in the very same way for many more years to come: Introducing our company to future generations!

We would like to thank the school for the opportunity to present our company via presentation and give the students insights into all our specialist departments and job opportunities.

We had an exciting day and many interesting conversations, with promising future prospects.

We wholeheartedly want to say „thank you for that“!

Further informations: Career day 2023 | HTL-HL

GST - Karrieretag bei HTL Hollabrunn
GST - Karrieretag bei HTL Hollabrunn

Korneuburg’s 9th „Bildungsmeile“ brought interested people to GST yet again this year.

Participating companies opened their doors and showed interested pupils the training opportunities of the available apprenticeships within the respective company. The offer was well received at GST – Our visitors were asked what impressions they were able to gather during their visit and what was special about being able to visit a production company on site.

Many conclusive answers were given:
“You see behind the scenes and can get a picture of the field of activity.”
“Lots of times it’s the little things that you see in a company that contribute to your final career choice.”
“It’s the only way to decide for yourself if you feel comfortable in the working environment.”
“You get a first hand observation regarding the atmosphere within the staff and the ways they interact with each other.”

As a training company, we are glad that the annual initiative of the WKO Lower Austria was well received yet again by families and school classes this year and we would like to express our sincere thanks to all participants!

Korneuburger Bildungsmeile 2023 bei GST
Korneuburger Bildungsmeile bei GST 2023

HTL students from OPAVA gain practical experience at GST

Students from the HTL for mechanical engineering from OPAVA – SŠPU Opava – úvodní stránka – are currently completing their Erasmus traineeship at GST.

Only the best students are allowed to apply this kind of internship. If the letter of motivation is convincing, they get the opportunity to complete their internship abroad. The students are accommodated in Vienna as part of the Erasmus program and commute to Sierndorf by train.

With two weeks behind them, the students were able to get acquainted with many areas of our company. GST offers practical experience in the production and mechanical design departments as part of the internship. They are coached and accompanied by our experienced designer DI Vera Sucha, who lives in Brno and travels to GST on a daily basis. As a graduate of the Technical University CVUT Praha – Czech Technical University Prague, she is a role model for the four young students when it comes to mechanical engineering.

Erasmuspraktikum bei GST

In an informal interview, the trainees were asked how they like working at GST:

“The activities in the mechanical design department are very interesting. The 3D program runs in German language, but thanks to intuition and experience, we are still able to work with it very efficiently.”

The two trainees who are currently working in the mechanical production department feel particularly comfortable because they can work together with colleagues of the same age who have also completed their training at GST. Because of everybody speaking English, there is no language barrier between them and if certain technical terms are unclear, translation tools make short work of problems of that nature. Many areas such as the “engraving area for machine plates”, the “spindle room” and the “assembly of assemblies” are presented and activities in these areas are taught.

Erasmuspraktikum bei GST

And what do the young trainees think about their stay in Austria?

 „We are fans of the ÖBB, it is always on time, well equipped and clean”, the way to and from work is rather hectic: „In Vienna, people are constantly on the run, whether on the way to the subway or anywhere else, there is hustle and bustle everywhere”. They enjoy their spare time, including weekend trips to i.e. the Technical Museum in Vienna, which they found to be quite interesting.

But not everything works perfectly: “The stove in the apartment always causes problems, but now it has been replaced” and “Unfortunately, the Austrian beer doesn’t taste as good as the Czech one”. 😉

All in all, the four young people find their stay in Austria very exciting and praise the internship very highly. Some of them could even imagine a life in Austria, although probably not in Vienne, but its more rural surroundings like Sierndorf.

We would like to thank the students for their interest, their cooperation and the overall great exchange!

Erasmuspraktikum bei GST

We are proud to announce that we once again made it into the Top 50 of mechanical engineering companies, published by the renowned “Factory” magazine!

Top 50 im Maschinenbau

Source: FACTORY (print edition) No. 7-8/July-August 2022 (Ö. Post AG MZ 17Z041186M, WEKA Industrie Medien GmbH, Dresdner Straße 43, 1200 Wien)

Read the full article here

As part of the 30th anniversary, the employees and their families took a look back on the company’s history and celebrated together. The event was held in the company’s production hall. Speeches were held by not only GST’s managing directors Franz Hein and Günter Hacker, but also the mayor of Sierndorf, Mr. Ernst Kreuzinger.

On behalf of the staff, Mr. Leopold Fröhlich gave a humoristic review of the company’s evolution from his perspective as a longtime employee. Our sales representative in Germany – Mr. Rainer Balles, offered words of greeting and congratulations via telephone message. The Balles company is working for GST for 2 generations already and Germany still is the most important export market for GST.

The Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce also congratulated for the jubilee and its Vice President Dr. Moser presented an award for 30 years of successful business activity as a company and employer.
After a leisurely lunch, the celebration turned into an open day starting at 1:00 p.m., at which our gates were opened for everyone interested in taking a closer look at our everyday work processes.

A particularly large number of young people took this opportunity to take a look behind the scenes. GST offers apprenticeship programs in the fields of “Metal technician” and “Construction” within our company. Accordingly, the company is an attractive employer for those looking for an apprenticeship.

But not only local people, but also business partners from other countries showed up to celebrate with GST. Long-standing suppliers over the years became friends of the company. In summary, we are very happy to say that the celebration was a big success and used by many sides for a relaxed exchange.

Fact sheet

In 1992, the GST company started overhauling machine tools under the name „GST – Gesellschaft für Schleiftechnik GmbH“. The first new machine was soon sold to Volkswagen AG Germany, and thereby secured our economic success.
The technical know-how was there from the very beginning, since the company was founed out of necessity, because the former employer of the GST’s founders quit the “Heid-AG” in Stockerau, thus giving up the areas of grinding technology and lathes.
Today the company operates internationally under the name GST Grinder GmbH. Around 100 people work at the Sierndorf production site. Customers are located primarily in Germany, but our high-quality machines are sold to places as far away as China and Mexico!

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

This year from May 17th to 20th the GrindingHub in Stuttgart took place for the first time!

It was a great success and therefore we would like to take the opportunity to say THANK YOU to all of you!

We were there and were able to inform our customers (and hopefully future customers) about our latets products:

The GST+ products are available both individually as equipment for your machine and also fully installed as part of our grinding machines – Our high quality makes the difference!

Furthermore we presented our GST Complete Center Drive machine for the grinding of CVT shafts. We hope that we were able to inspire you in terms of your future grinding tasks!

Do you have further questions? We are always happy to advice you and optimize our machines towards your workpieces and requirements – True to our motto: Grinding made for you.