Career day at HTL Hollabrunn

Karrieretag der HTL Hollabrunn

Once again GST was part of the career day at HTL Hollabrunn.

The participation at the career day of the HTL Hollabrunn has become a yearly tradition for GST, since many of our employees are former HTL graduates – a tradition we are trying to continue in the very same way for many more years to come: Introducing our company to future generations!

We would like to thank the school for the opportunity to present our company via presentation and give the students insights into all our specialist departments and job opportunities.

We had an exciting day and many interesting conversations, with promising future prospects.

We wholeheartedly want to say „thank you for that“!

Further informations: Career day 2023 | HTL-HL

GST - Karrieretag bei HTL Hollabrunn
GST - Karrieretag bei HTL Hollabrunn